Welcome to Sixty Six Books

Genesis to Revelation

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, 
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life
John 3:16 

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It is the most important message that you will ever hear in your lifetime
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Please read the messages below before moving on to other pages or leaving this site


That is how many people die every 24 hours around our earth.  Will you be in the next 156,000?

Life is short if you think about it

People are more concerned about their earthly possessions then eternal life and we go about our daily lives like we are going to live forever.  

Remember - 156,000 every 24 hours

Are you ready for eternity?  

You can be ready, read on...........  

What is Salvation? 

Salvation is this, it is realizing that you were born in sin and that you have a sin nature (and if you are truthful with yourself, you know you do) and you need forgiveness for that sinfulness that indwells within you.

Now, is there something you can do to help?    NO!!!

You can be the most pleasant, loving, forgiving person in the world who donates to charity, helps others, goes the extra mile, gives 10% of all you earn to the church, go to church faithfully and donate your time to the community and so on, but all of this will mean nothing when you stand before God one day.

Salvation is this, it is a gift, and not works as I have listed, but it is a gift.  So what is a gift?  

It is something that is free, you can’t earn it, but to have it, you have to accept it, and the gift to mankind is eternal life through the death, burial and resurrection of our

Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

It is that simple, no works, just faith, realizing you are a sinner and don’t deserve heaven and eternal life, just accepting the free  gift of salvation.

So now what?

Well you need to talk with God right now.  Tell Him you realize you are a sinner and deserve hell, but you realize that there is nothing you can do to earn salvation, therefore, accept what Jesus Christ did for you,
and receive Him as your personal Saviour 

John 3:16 , Ephesians 2:8-9 , Romans 10:9-13 , Romans 6:23 , John 3:18 and John 5:24

Can’t Decide?  

Think on This:

We only have the opportunity to accept this gift of God while we are here on this earth.  So I want to ask you a question, how long are you going to be here?  Can you tell me with certainty that you will be here tomorrow, next week, next month or next year?  

You can’t, pick up your newspaper and get with reality, life is fragile and we have no guarantee that we will be here the next minute! 

Remember the 153,000 every 24 hours that leave this world out into eternity!!!  

By the way, someone dies every 13 seconds in the United States alone! 

Again, Are you ready to stand before God?

So my friend, receive the free gift of eternal life before it is too late 

A Better Place

How often have you heard “They’re in a better place” or “They’re up there looking down on us” This is the usual phrase when one passes on.  You ever think of that also? “Passes On” it’s not “The End” So how do you know someone is in a “ Better Place”?

Are you going to be in a “Better Place” when you “Pass On”?  Everybody assumes someone went to a “ Better Place”

Not So!

And you are not either unless…  Unless what?

Well, you can’t work your way to heaven, going to church won’t get you there, giving to charity and volunteering your time to a good cause won’t get you there.  Loving your neighbors as yourself won’t get you there either.

Nothing you can do can get you to a better place except…

Don’t trust what I say, get a Bible, look up these verses and decide for yourself.

Ask God to help you, HE will

John 3:16 , Ephesians 2:8-9 , Romans 10:9-13 , Romans 6:23 , John 3:18 and John 5:24

"Religion will not allow Jesus to die for our sins"

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